Excerpt from an upcoming book

As promised, I am posting an excerpt from the book I am currently working on. As yet untitled, it tells the story of a blogger, Hunter Cahill, living in Chicago who finds himself in a strange predicament. The following excerpt is a blog written by Hunter on a day he is feeling particularly introspective. So yes, this blog is a fictional blog written by a fictional blogger but the message is important. I hope you enjoy.

“May 12: Some days I feel fun and carefree, others I feel philosophical and introspective. I marvel at the vastness and complexity of the world around me. The colorful characters I run into, that we all run into, on a daily basis. We don’t comprehend what they mean—their stories. Everybody has a story, a story that could fill volumes. Their stories contain love, heartache, relationships, joy, pain, and millions of emotions that only they will ever truly experience.

From the crazy person that accosted me in a department store television department to the homeless man I shared a sandwich with on the street and even the angry man I grappled with in an alley. They are flashes in my life as much as I am a flash in theirs. But they have a story. They have a history—things they have experienced and lives they have touched. We all walk past hundreds of people every day and don’t give them a second glance. In another circumstance, we could be best friends. We could sit and have a beer and a conversation and tell stories of our lives and laugh and cry together.

Or we can walk by each other with maybe a nod of the head, but most likely not even making eye contact. I think to myself that I would love to hear each person’s story. I would love to learn what they have experienced and what has driven them to become the person they are—to live in this same city that I live in and walk on the same streets that I walk on. What is it that makes them angry? What brings them joy? If I can make eye contact and share a smile, will it brighten their day or will they be weirded out and avoid me the next time our paths cross?

People are amazing. The complexities each of us contains buried deep down inside that nobody will ever learn about are the unique characteristics that make the world interesting. Our differences make us special. If we were all the same, with the same thoughts, ideas, and personalities, the world would be boring. I encourage you all to look around today as you meander through the monotonous journey of your typical day. Look at the people you pass, not as an annoying obstacle that you must get by to accomplish your day’s tasks, but as a wondrous mystery that you could unlock. Think about the knowledge they contain, the people they love, what might bring them joy, and what causes them heartache.

Then rejoice in the wonders of our world and the complexity of the human race.


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